Community supported apothecary (CSA)


The earth seed holistic Community Supported Apothecary (CSA) is a mutually beneficial offering. In exchange for your support of an independent, community herbalist, you receive one or more Plant Spirit Medicine Boxes. The CSA model supports me in continuing to offer free and low cost wellness offerings. This offering is currently on pause and being reimagined.

The Plant Spirit Medicine Boxes are seasonal, small-batch herbal medicine kits, perfect for stocking you and your loved ones’ family apothecary. Each medicine box will contain a combination of 5 different herbal preparations to support you through each season, e.g. tinctures, teas, salves, and more. Accompanying each box will be a zine detailing how to work with each medicine, seasonal self-care tips, and ritual suggestions to help you develop deeper relationships with the lessons of each season and the plant allies represented in each box.

earth seed holistic only uses ethically and sustainably harvested plant material and strives to use organic materials, sourcing from small-scale, local herb farms when available. earth seed holistic prioritizes working with bio-regionally relevant plants and our ancestral indigenous medicine practices. all of our products are made with heart-centered attention, in reverence for Spirit, intentionally crafted in small batches in harmony with the lunar cycle.